.............................................By Mariette Allen
-- part contents for background part 9
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-- part contents for background part 1
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FontStudio is Letraset’s new design and editing program for the creation of high quality type, logos, and symbols. Its goal is to give the professional maximum control over every aspect of type design, while also being easy enough for the new or casual user to master. And if you want to do all your typographic work in one complete type environment, this program is for you.
PostScript fonts can be created from scratch or imported from virtually all formats including Adobe, Fontographer, and LetraFonts. Individual characters can be autotraced from imported scanned line art (PICT, PICT II, TIFF, Paint), brought in from Illustrator files via the Clipboard, or drawn directly. A variety of Bezier tools and features are available for manipulation and editing. A “Reduce Segments” feature reduces the number of segments along a path, and speeds up print time. “Make Parallel Paths” creates lines or curves inside or outside a given curve and saves time when generating characters such as P, Q, or R. “Intersect paths” creates new points where lines intersect-a help when creating overlapping letters or symbols. A replication feature allows for all sorts of precise repetitions, scaling, rotating, and slanting of any line, character or font. Precise numeric feedback is given at all times for the exact creation, placement and measurement of elements. Any character or part of a character can referenced to another, e.g. with n and ñ the same element can be used in two
places for a savings in font size.
FontStudio’s Library is a real time saver. Up to 28 serifs, stems,
or other character parts can be stored in a Library and quickly